Controversial lingerie brand is back with a sexy Pennywise costume

Posted by Larita Shotwell on Thursday, August 1, 2024

Horror films don't always spark sexual fantasies for people, but one company is hoping to capitalize on the recent release of IT Chapter Two by creating a sexy Pennywise costume. 

Lingerie retailer Yandy is known for its outrageous and unexpected Halloween costumes year after year on timely and topical pop culture moments. 

The brand has now come back in full force for its 2019 season by releasing a 'Killer Sewer Clown Costume' for $34.95 inspired by the IT franchise. 

Spooky: Yandy is selling a $34.95 'Killer Sewer Clown Costume' inspired by Pennywise

Spooky: Yandy is selling a $34.95 'Killer Sewer Clown Costume' inspired by Pennywise

Timely costume: The IT franchise recently released its sequel to the popular horror film. This inspired the lingerie brand to release a sexy clown costume

Timely costume: The IT franchise recently released its sequel to the popular horror film. This inspired the lingerie brand to release a sexy clown costume

Inspiration: The costume involved a gray and white romper with ruffled wrist cuffs to match what Pennywise wears during the film

Inspiration: The costume involved a gray and white romper with ruffled wrist cuffs to match what Pennywise wears during the film 

'Dance and float unnoticed by the adults as you lurk underground,' the brand advertised online. 

The horror-inspired costume includes a gray and white romper to match the outfit Pennywise wore throughout the film. Along the bodice of the costume is red pom poms and lace edging. 

Also included with the costume is stripped arm puffs, lace wrist cuffs, and a lace neck piece. 

But, unfortunately for Pennywise fans, the costume does not include a red wig or face makeup to complete the entire look. 

Pennywise was a popular costume for fans last year after the first IT movie released in theaters. Many fans made this costume with items around their home and then prioritized the costume makeup to complete the look. 

Now Yandy is helping fans take a more sexual take on the murdering clown with the release of the Halloween costume, though it has yet to be seen if people will actually want to purchase the outfit. 

Another controversial and bizarre costume released by Yandy this year is its 'Nicest Neighbor' ($59.95) costume inspired by Mr. Rogers. 


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Share A beautiful day in the neighborhood? Yandy is also selling a $59.99 'Nicest Neighbor' costume, which looks like a sexy, revealing version of one of Mr. Rogers' most famous outfits

A beautiful day in the neighborhood? Yandy is also selling a $59.99 'Nicest Neighbor' costume, which looks like a sexy, revealing version of one of Mr. Rogers' most famous outfits

Iconic: Mr. Fred Rogers died in 2003 but still holds a place in fans' hearts; last year, a documentary was released about him

Iconic: Mr. Fred Rogers died in 2003 but still holds a place in fans' hearts; last year, a documentary was released about him

The woman modeling the costume showed off a tiny, low-cut cropped top that was meant to be a sexy version of Mr. Rogers's most famous cardigan, as well as a black tie and gray booty shorts. 

'Won't you be my neighbor? Entice your friends next door with your playful puppets!' reads the description.

A model is then pictured wearing hand puppets similar to that of what Mr. Rogers used during his show, which can be purchased on Yandy for an additional cost. 

Although Mr. Rogers has consistently been popular even after his death in 2003, he launched back into the limelight upon the release of a documentary about his life in 2018 and the upcoming movie, starring Tom Hanks, set to release in November. 

This inspired the lingerie company to create its own sexy version of the television personality.  

Super specific! Yandy is known for its timely costumes, like this cauliflower pizza one out this year

Super specific! Yandy is known for its timely costumes, like this cauliflower pizza one out this year

Howdy! They also have 'sexy' Buzz and Woody costumes in honor of Toy Story 4 To infinity and beyond! They also have 'sexy' Buzz and Woody costumes in honor of Toy Story 4

Howdy, Halloween! They also have 'sexy' Buzz and Woody costumes in honor of Toy Story 4

Dirty minds! The eggplant costume is more covered up — but hints at the eggplant emoji's other meaning

Dirty minds! The eggplant costume is more covered up — but hints at the eggplant emoji's other meaning

Super newsworthy: Last year the company released a costume inspired by the anonymous op-ed article published in the New York Times by reportedly a member of Trump's inner circle The costume made its debut on the site just weeks after a senior official in the Trump administration wrote an anonymous op-ed for the New York Times

Super newsworthy: Last year the company released a costume inspired by the anonymous op-ed article published in the New York Times by reportedly a member of Trump's inner circle 

Other topical costumes on Yandy's site this year include a 'sexy' Woody and Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story (and the new Toy Story 4), an eggplant (which may not scream 'sexy' until one thinks of the eggplant emoji use), and a 'sexy' cauliflower pizza. 

Yandy has previously made headlines for creating costumes quickly to follow other pop culture events or controversies. 

Going the political route, the site decided to release its own 'sexy' costume inspired by the anonymous op-ed article published in the New York Times last year. It was reportedly written by someone within President Trump's inner circle. 

The costume consisted of a tight dress covered in newsprint that then had a red question mark painted in the center. 

Paired with the dress was funny disguise glasses for the person to match the anonymous premise of the costume.     
